
"Non-Markovian electron diffusion in the auroral ionosphere at high Langmuir-wave intensities," K.Y. Sanbonmatsu, I. Doxas, M.V. Goldman, and D.L. Newman, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 807-810, April 1, 1997

"Theory of convective saturation of Langmuir waves during ionospheric modification of a barium cloud". M.V. Goldman, D. L. Newman, R. P.l Drake and B B. Afeyan, to be published in Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics (JATP), 1997

"Vlasov Simulations Of Electron Heating By Langmuir Turbulence Near The Critical Altitude In The Radiation- Modified Ionosphere," J.G. Wang, D.L. Newman and M.V. Goldman, to be published in JATP, 1997

"Langmuir Turbulence in Space Plasmas," M.V. Goldman, D.L. Newman, J.G. Wang and L. Muschietti, Physica Scripta T63, 28-33, 1996

"Langmuir Turbulence in Space Plasmas," Martin V. Goldman, David L. Newman and Jin-Gen Wang, Physics of Space Plasmas, 14, Ed. by T. Chang and J.R. Jasperse, MIT Center for Theoretical Geo/Cosmo Plasma Physics Press, Pgs. 189-197 (1996)

"Langmuir Turbulence in Space Plasmas," M.V. Goldman, D.L. Newman, and J.G.- Wang, International Conference on Plasma Physics , AIP Conference Proceedings #345, (Ed. A.H. Sakanaka, M. Tendler), 449-456, 1995

"Nonlinear coupling of Lower-Hybrid Waves to the Kinetic Low- frequency Plasma Response in the Auroral Ionosphere," K.Y. Sanbonmatsu, M.V. Goldman, and D.L. Newman, Geophysics Research Letters, 22, 2397-2400, (Sept.,1995).

"Three-wave nonlinear dynamics and Langmuir turbulence," S. Gibson, D. Newman and M. Goldman, Phys. Rev. E, 52, Pg. 558 (July, 95).

"Collisional Regimes of Radiation-Driven Langmuir Turbulence," M.V. Goldman, D.L. Newman, D. Russell, D.F. DuBois, H.Rose, R.P. Drake and A. Rubenchik, Phys. Plasmas 2.6, 1947-1960, (June 1995)

"Linear ray-optics theory of the radiation-driven ion- acoustic decay instability in flowing, inhomogeneous plasmas," R.P. Drake, M.V. Goldman and J. DeGroot, Physics of Plasmas 1.8, 2448-2459, (August, 1994)

"Strong Langmuir turbulence in moderately magnetized plasmas, D.L. Newman, M.V. Goldman and R.E. Ergun, Physics of Plasmas, 1.5, 1691-1699, (May 1994).

"Langmuir turbulence in the auroral ionosphere: I. Linear Theory," D.L. Newman, M.V. Goldman, R.E. Ergun and M.H. Boehm, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 6367-6376 (Apr., 1994).

"Langmuir turbulence in the auroral ionosphere: II. Nonlinear Theory and Simulations," D.L. Newman, M.V. Goldman and R.E. Ergun, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 6377-6391 (Apr., 1994).

"Space-time Structure of Langmuir Turbulence in the Lower Solar Corona," M.V. Goldman and D.L. Newman, in Solar System Plasma Physics in Space and Time, Geophysical Mono graph 84, Ed. by J.H. Waite, Jr., J.L. Burch, and R.L. Moore, Pgs. 33-41 (1994)

"Fluid Closures which Mimic Kinetic Effects and Heating in Strong Langmuir Turbulence," M.V. Goldman, D.L.Newman, and F.P. Perkins, Phys. Rev. Letters 70, 4075, (June. 1993)

"Electromagnetic Instability and Emission from Counterpropagating Langmuir Waves," J, Glanz, M.V. Goldman, D. Newman, and C.J. McKinstrie, Physics of Fluids B, 5, 1101 (1992)

"Ionospheric Langmuir Turbulence Driven by an Electromagnetic Pump Below the Upper-Hybrid Frequency," D.L. Newman and M.V. Goldman, pg 180, Nonlinear Processes in Physics, Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, Eds. A.S. Fokas, D.J. Kaup, A.C. Newell and V.E. Zakharov, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1992)

"Three-dimensional instabilities of counterpropagating light waves in homogeneous plasma," C.J. McKinstrie and M.V. Goldman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 9, 1778-1792 (1992)

"Time-dependent Phase Conjugation in Plasmas: Numerical Results and Interpretation", M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids B, 3, 2161 (1991)

"Angular-Momentum Structure of 3D Collapsing Wave Packets," D.L. Newman, P.A. Robinson, and M.V. Goldman, Physica D, 52 449 (1991)

"Time-dependent phase conjugation and four-wave mixing in plasmas," M.V. Goldman and E. Williams, Physics of Fluids B, 3, 751, (1991)

"Simulation of the collapse and dissipation of Langmuir wave packets," D.L. Newman, R.M. Winglee, P.A. Robinson, J. Glanz, and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids B, 2, 2600 (1990)

"Field structure of collapsing wave packets in 3D strong Langmuir turbulence," D. L. Newman, P. A. Robinson, and M. V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters, 62, 2132, (1989)

"Phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in inhomogeneous plasmas," E. Williams, D. Lininger, and M. V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids B1, 1561 (1989).

"Comment on 'Reflected Phase-Conjugate Wave in a Plasma'," with R.W. Hellwarth and D. Lininger, Physical Review Letters, 62, 3011 (1989)

"Electron Beams and Instabilities During Solar Radio Emission", M.V. Goldman, Geophys. Monographs 54, 229 (1989).

"Three-Dimensional Strong Langmuir Turbulence and Wave Collapse," P.A. Robinson, D.L. Newman, and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters, 61, 702, (1988).

"Theory and Simulation of Electromagnetic Beam-Modes and Whistlers," David L. Newman, Robert M. Winglee, and Martin V. Goldman, Phys. Fluids 31, 1515 (1988)

"Microstructures in Type III Events in the Solar Wind," D.B. Melrose and M.V. Goldman, Solar Physics, 107, 329-350 (1987).

"Aspects of Interplanetary Turbulence," L.M. Celnikier, L. Muschietti, and M.V. Goldman, Astronomy and Astrophysics 181, 138-154 (1987).

"The Speeds of Electrons that Excite Solar Radio Bursts of Type III," G.A. Dulk, J.L. Steinberg, S. Hoang, and M.V. Goldman, Astron. Astrophys. 173, 366 (1987).

"Electromagnetic Beam-Modes Driven by Anisotropic Electron Streams," Martin V. Goldman and David Newman, Physical Review Letters 58, 1849-1852 (1987).

"Autonomous Dynamical Systems Arising from Self-Similar Parameterization of Damped/Driven NLS Equations," G. Pelletier, M. Goldman, H.T. Moon, and W. Merryfield, Physica 18D, 154-156 (1986).

"Langmuir Wave Solitons and Spatial Collapse in Plasma Physics," Martin V. Goldman, Physica 18D, 67-76 (1986).

"Solar Radio Emission," M.V. Goldman and D.F. Smith, Physics of the Sun, Vol. II, Peter A. Sturrock (ed.), (D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1985) pp. 325-376.

"Quenching of the Beam-Plasma Instability by 3-D Spectra of Large Scale Density Fluctuations," L. Muschietti, M.V. Goldman, and D. Newman, Solar Physics 96, 181-198 (1985).

"Multiple Raman Up-Conversion of Radiation from Pre-Existing Langmuir Turbulence," D. Russell, M. Goldman, and D. Newman, Physics of Fluids 28, 2162-2171 (1985).

"Intermittency and Solitons in the Driven Dissipative Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation," H.T. Moon and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters 53, 1821-1824 (1984).

"Strong Turbulence of Plasma Waves," M.V. Goldman, Review of Modern Physics 66, 709-735 (1984).

"Progress and Problems in the Theory of Type III Solar Radio Emission," Martin V. Goldman, Solar Physics 89, 403-442 (1983).

"Backscattering Cascade of Beam Modes off Ambient Density Fluctuations," David A. Russell and Martin V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids, 26, 2717-2730 (1983).

"Steady-State Turbulence with a Narrow Inertial Range," J.C. Weatherall, D.R. Nicholson, and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 26, 1103-1113 (1983).

"Beam-Plasma Instability in the Presence of Low-Frequency Turbulence," Martin V. Goldman and D.F. DuBois, Physics of Fluids 25, 1062-1072 (1982).

"Scattering and Collapse of Langmuir Waves Driven by a Weak Electron Beam," B. Hafizi, J.C. Weatherall, M.V. Goldman, and D.R. Nicholson, Physics of Fluids 25, 392-401 (1982).

"Solitons and Ionospheric Modification," J.P. Sheerin, J.C. Weatherall, D.R. Nicholson, G.L. Payne, M.V. Goldman, and P.J. Hansen, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 44, 1043-1048 (1982).

"Solitons and Ionospheric Heating," J.C. Weatherall, J.P. Sheerin, D.R. Nicholson, G.L. Payne, M.V. Goldman, and P.J. Hansen, Journal of Geophysical Research 87, 823-832 (1982).

"Harmonic Emission from Adiabatically Collapsing Langmuir Solitons," B. Hafizi and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 24, 145-150 (1981).

"Self-Focusing of Radio Waves in an Underdense Ionosphere," F.W. Perkins and M.V. Goldman, Journal of Geophysical Research 86, 600-608 (1981).

"Langmuir Collapse in a Weak Magnetic Field," M.V. Goldman, J.C. Weatherall, and D.R. Nicholson, Physics of Fluids 24, 668-672 (1981).

"Breakup and Reconstitution of Langmuir Wavepackets," T. Tajima, M.V. Goldman, J.N. Leboeuf, and J.M. Dawson, Physics of Fluids 24, 182-183 (1981).

"Parametric Instabilities in Weakly Magnetized Plasma," J.C. Weatherall, M.V. Goldman, and D.R. Nicholson, Astrophysical Journal 246, 306-313 (1981).

"Dimensionality and Dissipation in Langmuir Collapse," M.V. Goldman, K. Rypdal, and B. Hafizi, Physics of Fluids 23, 925-955 (1980).

"Radiation from a Strongly Turbulent Plasma: Application to Electron Beam-Excited Solar Emission," M.V. Goldman, G.F. Reiter, and D.R. Nicholson, Physics of Fluids 23, 388-401 (1980).

"DIA Theory of Strong Langmuir Turbulence," D.F. DuBois, H.A. Rose, and M.V. Goldman, 1979 Conference XIV, ICPIG, Grenoble. Journal of Physics Supplement (Paris), C7-601 (1979).

"Cascade and Collapse of Langmuir Waves in Two Dimensions," D.R. Nicholson and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 21, 1766-1777 (1978).

"Plasmon-Plasmon Interaction," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters 40, 257-260 (1978).

"Virial Theory of Direct Langmuir Collapse," M.V. Goldman and D.R. Nicholson, Physical Review Letters 41, 406-410 (1978).

"Nonlinear Langmuir Waves During Type III Solar Radio Bursts," D.R. Nicholson, M.V. Goldman, P. Hoyng, and J.C. Weatherall, Astrophysical Journal 213, 206-219 (1978).

"Absorption of CO2 Laser Light by a Dense, High Temperature Plasma," N.J. Peacock, M.J. Forrest, P.D. Morgan, M.V. Goldman, T. Rudolph, and A.A. Offenberger, Journal de Physique 38, suppl. No. 12, p. C6-43 (1977).

"Dissipative Langmuir Shock," M.V. Goldman and D.R. Nicholson, Physics of Fluids 20, 756-761 (1977).

"CO2 Laser-Excited Langmuir Turbulence in a Dense Plasma Focus," M.J. Forrest, P.D. Morgan, N.J. Peacock, K. Kuriki (of Culham Laboratory, England), M.V. Goldman, and T. Rudolph, Physical Review Letters 37, 1681-1684 (1976).

"Damped Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation," D.R. Nicholson and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 19, 1621-1625 (1976).

"Three-Dimensional Langmuir Wave Instabilities in Type III Solar Radio Bursts," S. Bardwell and M.V. Goldman, Astrophysical Journal 209, 912-926 (1976).

"Upper-Hybrid Solitons and Oscillating-Two-Stream Instabilities," M. Porkolab and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 19, 872-881 (1976).

"Stimulated Diffusion Scattering in Ionospheric Modification," R.L. Berger, M.V. Goldman, and D.F. DuBois, Physics of Fluids 18, 207-213 (1975).

"Field-Aligned Instability due to Stimulated Scattering of Intense Radio Waves from Diffusion Quasi-Modes," M.V. Goldman, Radio Science 9, 1077-1079 (1974).

"Nonlinear Wave Optics of Parametric Pump Radiation in an Inhomogeneous Plasma," D.F. DuBois, M.V. Goldman, and D. McKinnis, Physics of Fluids 16, 2257-2269 (1973).

"Spectrum and Anomalous Resistivity for the Saturated Parametric Instability," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters 28, 218-221 (1972).

"Nonlinear Saturation of Parametric Instability: Basic Theory and Application to the Ionosphere," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 15, 919-927 (1972).

"Stability of Trapped Particle Equilibrium," M.V. Goldman and H. Berk, Physics of Fluids 14, 801-804 (1971).

"Theory of Stability of Langmuir Amplitude Periodic (BGK) Waves in Collisionless Plasmas," M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 13, 1281-1289 (1970).

"Parametric Excitation of Drift Waves in a Resistive Plasma," G. Weyl and M.V. Goldman, Physics of Fluids 12, 1097-1109 (1969).

"Parametric and Raman Instabilities of a Plasma in an Electromagnetic Field," M.V. Goldman, Proceedings of the 2nd Orsay Summer Institute of Plasma Physics--Nonlinear Effects in Plasmas. Edited by C.G. Kalman and K. Feix (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969).

"Parametric Excitation from Thermal Fluctuations at Plasma- Drift Wave Frequencies," A.Y. Wong, M.V. Goldman, F. Hai, and R. Rowberg, Physical Review Letters 20, 518-522 (1968).

"Theory of Four-Plasmon Parametric Excitation and Comparison with Experiment," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters 19, 1105-1110 (1967).

"Parametrically Excited Plasma Fluctuation," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review 164, 207-222 (1967).

"Parametric Plasmon-Photon Interaction, Part I: Threshold for Plasma Amplification," M.V. Goldman, Annals of Physics 38 95-116 (1966).

"Parametric Plasmon-Photon Interaction, Part II: Analysis of Plasmon Propagator and Correlation Functions," M.V. Goldman, Annals of Physics 38, 117-169 (1966).

"Stimulated Incoherent Scattering of Radiation from Plasmas," M.V. Goldman and D.F. DuBois, Physics of Fluids 8, 1404-1405 (1965).

"Radiation-Induced Instability of Electron Plasma Oscillations," D.F. DuBois and M.V. Goldman, Physical Review Letters 14, 544-546 (1965).