Selected completed projects:

    The dynamics of domain wall and magnetic texture properties in magnetic layers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type interaction
    (NCN ID: 2016/23/G/ST3/04196) (2018-2021)
    Consortium between the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry “Jerzy Haber” of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow (dr Piotr Mazalski coordinator) and the Faculty of Physics of the University of Białystok (dr hab. Ryszard Gieniusz, (leader tasks from Bialystok) with the University of Kiel (Germany). The Polish side is funded by the National Science Center, while the German side is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The project was supported by the national synchrotron radiation center SOLARIS in Krakow.
    Dynamics of magnetization in amorphous micro-wires
    Project Leader: Dr. Hab. Andrzej Stupakiewicz
    NCN ID: 2016/22/M/ST3/00471
  • OPUS 13
    Ultrafast dynamics in magnetoplasmonic periodic structures
    Project Leader: Dr. Hab. Andrzej Stupakiewicz
    NCN ID: 2017/25/B/ST3/01305
  • OPUS 18
    Femtosecond laser-controlled spin currents for non-equilibrium ultrafast photonics
    Project Leader:  Dr. Ilya Razdolskiy
    NCN ID: 2019/35/B/ST3/00853
    TECHMATSTRATEG project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development
    “Development of high-efficiency and waste-free technology for manufacturing soft magnetic nanocomposites for high-frequency high-power processing”
    Project carried out in a consortium, coordinated by the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice (prof. dr hab. Marek Kisielewski leader tasks from Białystok)
    Synthetic antiferromagnets with perpendicular anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
    Project Leader: Dr. Michał Matczak
    NCN ID: 2018/28/C/ST5/00308
  • National Centrum of Nanophysics and Spintronics – SPINLAB: (od 2013) CENTRUM Centrum SPINLAB
  •  Statics and dynamics of magnonic and magnetophotonic crystals – SYMPHONY (2012 -2015):  TEAM  TEAM UwB TEAM UwB TEAM UwB
    Coordinator: prof dr hab. Andrzej Maziewski
  • Harmonia 3 (NCN ID: 2012/06/M/ST3/00475)
    Modification of magnetic properties of ultrathin structures using electromagnetic radiation in a wide spectral range (2013-2017). Project carried out by a consortium (coordinator prof. dr. hab. Maziewski) University of Białystok  and Institute of Physics PAS, Warsaw. HARMONIA-TIGER
  • ARTMAG – “Magnetic nanostructures for spin electronics applications”  (2007-2013)ArtmagArtmag
  • Femtosecond opto-magnetism and novel approaches to ultrafast magnetismat the nanoscale (2008-2012) Fantomas
    (prof. dr hab. Andrzej Maziewski  leader tasks from Białystok)
  • Sixth Framework Programme of the EU Marie Curie Action, TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE, “Combined study of nanostructured magnetic materials” (2004-2009) NANOMAG-LAB HOMENANOMAG-LAB
    Coordinator: prof dr hab. Andrzej Maziewski


Research on spin reorientation in Ga+-irradiated nanostructures,  2012-2013 Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego MNiSW-DPD-WWM-183-8565-1/MBA/12


Investigation of magnetic phase transitions induced by Ga ion irradiation in Pt/Co/Pt nanostructures; 2012-2013 National Science Centre No. DEC-2011/03/N/ST3/02408 dated 2012-06-20 PM

Opus 7

Influence of structure and doping of multilayer ferromagnetic/early transition metal systems on their magnetostatic and magnetotransport properties
NCN ID: 2014/13/B/ST5/01834
Project carried out by a consortium IFPAN (coordinator Prof. Dr. Hab. A. Wawro) and UwB (coordinator of tasks UwB dr. hab. M. Tekielak, Prof. UwB)


Several research projects carried out in Białystok from the late seventies to the nineties – PR-3, CPBP, CPBR, KBN, MNiSW. Several equipment grants, three supervisor grants.ZFM brał udział w działalności sieci:

KFM team participated in network activities:

New materials for magnetoelectronics Mag-El-Mat, (2003-2008)

International projects

  • “Detection of Plasma Clusters with Thin Magnetic Films – Technical Feasibility Study” project funded by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development.
  • “Magnetic Properties of Novel Ultrathin Films” project funded by the European Union (Human Capital Mobility).
  • “Nanomagnetism and Growth Processes on Vicinal Surfaces” NANOMAG – ESF Scientific Programme project.
  • Bilateral agreement with Germany DAAD-MNiSW (2009-2010) “Ion-induced spin-reorientation-transition in thin Pt/Co/Pt trilayers”.