Oral and poster presentations

Invited oral presentations:

  1. W. Olszewski, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, N. Ramanan, M. Okubo, T. Mizokawa, N. L. SainiThe role of the atomic bond strengths and structural disorder in MXene materials for rechargeable ion-batteries; 3rd International Conference on Battery and Fuel Cell Technology (2018); London, United Kingdom;
  2. W. Olszewski, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, M. Avila, M. Okubo, T. Mizokawa, N. L. Saini “Study of Li and Na-ion cathode materials by hard x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies”; EMN Meeting on Fuel Cells (2016), Jeju, South Korea.

Oral presentations:

  1. W. OlszewskiThe impact of structural disorder on the properties of selected cathode materials; Faculty of Physics; (2024) Białystok, Poland;
  2. W. Olszewski, C. Marini, S. Kajiyama, M. Okubo, A. Yamada, T. Mizokawa, N.L. Saini, L. Simonelli „XAS measurements of Ti Based MAX and MXene Materials”; 7th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Rome, Italy;
  3. W. Olszewski, C. Marini, S. Kajiyama, M. Okubo, A. Yamada, T. Mizokawa, N.L. Saini, L. Simonelli „Investigating the Local Structure of Ti Based MXene Materials by Temperature Dependent X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy”; X AUSE Conference & V ALBA user’s meeting (2022), Barcelona, Spain;
  4. W. Olszewski, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, N. Ramanan, M. Okubo, T. Mizokawa, N. L. SainiInvestigation of MXene materials for rechargeable ion-batteries; 20th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials and Research (2018); Dublin, Ireland;
  5. W. Olszewski, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, M. Avila, M. Okubo, T. Mizokawa, N. L. Saini “Local properties of V2O5 probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy”; Materials Research Society meeting (2017); Boston, USA;
  6. W. Olszewski, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, M. Avila, M. Okubo, T. Mizokawa, N. L. Saini “Nano-structuring effects on the local properties of V2O5 probed by temperature dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy”; European Materials Research Society Fall meeting (2016); Warsaw, Poland;
  7. W. Olszewski, M. Avila, “BL22 – CLÆSS Core Level Absorption & Emission Spectroscopies status & near future upgrades”; EAgLE Workshop: New challenges and solutions for XAS data analysis part I – mXAN code for XANES analysis (2014); Warsaw, Poland;
  8. W. Olszewski, “Changes in local structure of iron ion in selected electrolytes”; ALBA-CELLS; (2014) Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain.

Oral presentations in Polish:

  1. W. Olszewski, “Lokalna struktura jonu żelaza w wybranych elektrolitach oraz perspektywy ich zastosowań”; Faculty of Physics; (2013) Białystok, Poland;
  2. W. Olszewski, “Nadprzewodzące właściwości chalkogenidków żelaza”; Faculty of Physics; (2011) Białystok, Poland;
  3. W. Olszewski, “Zmiany lokalnego otoczenia jonu Fe(II) w elektrolitach na bazie wody i acetonu”; Faculty of Physics; (2010) Białystok, Poland;
  4. W. Olszewski, “Badania XAFS elektrolitów – wodnego i acetonowego”; Faculty of Physics; (2009) Białystok, Polska;
  5. W. Olszewski, K.Szymański, D.Satuła, M.Biernacka, E.K.Talik, “Badania warstw Fe nanoszonych z elektrolitu na bazie acetonu”; National Mössbauer Spectroscopy Seminar; (2008) Koninki, Poland;
  6. W. Olszewski, “Warstwy metaliczne otrzymywane z elektrolitów na bazie ketonów”; Institute of Expetimental Physics; (2007) Białystok, Poland;
  7. W. Olszewski, K.Szymański, D.Satuła, L.Dobrzyński, “Wyznaczenie tekstury magnetycznej przy użyciu CEMS z promieniowaniem spolaryzowanym kołowo”; National Mössbauer Spectroscopy Seminar; (2006) Częstochowa-Koszęcin, Poland;
  8. W. Olszewski, “Metody polarymetryczne w spektroskopii Mössbauera”; Institute of Expetimental Physics; (2005) Białystok, Poland.

Poster presentations:

  1. P. Butkiewicz, M. Biernacka, W. Olszewski, D. Satuła, K. Rećko, P. Dziawa, K. Szymański „Scanning electron microscopy investigations of GaFeO3 single crystal”; IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (2022); Tours, France;
  2. W. Olszewski, K. Rećko, C. Marini, D. Satuła, G. Andre, U. Wykowska “Local structural study of orthogonal and hexagonal multiferroic GaFeO3 samples prepared by sol-gel methods”; International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (2017); Prague, Czech Republic;
  3. W. Olszewski, K. Rećko, C. Marini, D. Satuła, G. Andre, U. Wykowska “Temperature study of multiferroic GaFeO3 samples prepared by sol-gel method”; European Materials Research Society Fall meeting (2015); Warsaw, Poland;
  4. W. Olszewski, K. Rećko, C. Marini, D. Satuła, G. Andre, U. Wykowska “Local structural study of multiferroic GaFeO3 samples”; 5th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism (2015); Zaragoza, Spain;
  5. W. Olszewski, K. Rećko, D. Satuła, G. Andre, U. Wykowska “Studies of orthorhombic and hexagonal GaFeO3 multiferroic compound”; SAC – Science Advisory Board Meeting (2014); Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain;
  6. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, D. Satuła “Mössbauer Measurements Of Iron In Acetone Based Frozen Electrolytes”; “Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science” (2012); Olomouc, Czech Republic; Award for the best poster;
  7. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, D. Satuła, D. Oleszak “Mössbauer investigation of bcc, Fe based, multicomponent alloys”; National Mössbauer Spectroscopy Seminar (2012); Lublin, Poland;
  8. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański “Mössbauer Measurements Of Iron In Water & Acetone Based Electrolytes”; 7th Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectroscopy (2011); Frankfurt, Germany;
  9. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, P. Zaleski, D. A. Zając “Changes in local structure of Fe(II) ion in water and acetone based solutions”; 14th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (2009); Camerino, Italy;
  10. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, P. Zaleski, D. A. Zając “EXAFS analysis of Fe2+ water and acetone based solution”; 9th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (2008); Ameliówka, Poland; Award for the best poster;
  11. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, R. Sobiecki “3d-metallic layers electrochemically deposited from nearly nonaqueous electrolyte”; The MAG-EL-MAT Scientific Network Members Meeting „New materials for magnetoelectronics” (2007); Będlewo, Poland;
  12. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, D. Satuła, L. Dobrzyński “Applications of CEMS with circularly polarized radiation”; XVIII International School on Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter “Spectroscopy of Modern Materials” (2006); Białowieża, Poland;
  13. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, L. Dobrzyński, D. Satuła “Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy with a single-line circularly polarized source”; Sixth Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectroscopy (2006); Seeheim, Germany;
  14. W. Olszewski, K. Szymański, L. Dobrzyński, D. Satuła, J. Jankowska-Kisielińska “Magnetic moments distribution in gamma-Mn-Fe single crystal”; XVII International School on Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter and V International Symposium on Physics in Material Science “Materials in Transition” (2005); Białowieża, Poland.
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