
Magnetooptyczne laboratorium bazujące na laserach femtosekundowychSpinlab UwB

The Laboratory is equipped with two femtosecond lasers systems (one with light amplifier has been recently installed with Spinlab UwB SPINLAB support).

Our results of light modification of magnetic films

Our results in non-linear magnetooptics


Spectra-Physics: Amplifier Spitfire Ace (5mJ, 35fs, 800nm, 1kHz) ; Optical Parametric Amplifier (Topas, 290nm-2600 nm);
MaiTai SP (20fs, 0.6W, 780-820nm); MaiTai HP (80fs, 3W, 690-1040 nm, 80MHz)


  • Magneto-optical spectroscopy
  • Magnetization induced SHG
  • Static and dynamics of domain structure
  • Magnetic anisotropy and phase transition
  • Light-induced magnetic effects


  • Ultrathin metalic films
  • Nanopatterned structures
  • YIG:Co exchange-coupled structured
  • Light-sensitivity semicondutors

Contact person: Dr hab. Andrzej Stupakiewicz,
Keywords: femtosecond laser, ultra-fast dynamics, second harmonics generation, magneto-optical Kerr effect

Układy mikroskopów ze skanującą sondą

SPM images gallery / Galeria zdjęć SPM

Scanning Probe Microscope is equipped with electro-magnets system (either in-plane magnetic field up to 0.2T or perpendicular field up to 0.1T), cold finger system (110K-450K), vacuum chamber (10-6 Torr), vibration isolation system and videomicroscope with manual continuous zoom. Study of surface topography as well as magnetic, electrical and electrochemical properties is possible. Force and voltage lithography is available. Measurements can be done in both high vacuum and in air (contact AFM, LFM, Resonant Mode (semicontact + noncontact AFM), Phase Imaging, Force Modulation (viscoelastisity), MFM, EFM, Adhesion Force Imaging, AFM Litography-Force, Spreading Resistance Imaging ("conductive" AFM), AFM Litography-Voltage, Scanning Capacitance Imaging, Scanning Kelvin Microscopy) as well as in a liquid (contact AFM, LFM, Adhesion Force, Force Modulation (viscoelastisity), Resonant Mode (semicontact AFM), Phase Imaging, AFM Litography-Force).

Contact person: Contact person: mgr Piotr Mazalski,
Keywords: scanning probe microscopy, atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy

Magnetooptyczny magnetometr Kerra o wysokiej czułości

High Sensitivity Magneto-Optical Kerr Magnetometer equipped with special electro-magnets system (perpendicular to the plane sample up to 20kOe and in-plane up to 4kOe magnetic field), Coherent Ar (Innova 300), dye (599-2) and red-diode lasers, optical cryostat (10-350K), photo-elastic modulator (s,p-polarization, rotation and ellipticity polar, longitudinal, transverse Kerr effects, linear and circular dichroism). Study of static and dynamics magnetization reversal processes and vector magnetization analysis in ultrathin multilayer magnetic films with specialized LabView software for control magnetometer and data analysis.

Contact person: Dr hab. Andrzej Stupakiewicz,
Keywords: magneto-optical Kerr effect, magnetization reversal processes, photomagnetic effects, magneto-optical spectroscopy, linear and circular dichroism

Magnetometry bazujące na optycznych mikroskopach polaryzacyjnych Spinlab UwB

Laboratory is equipped with self-constructed optical systems and SPINLAB supported bought microscope system.

  1. Carl Zeiss Jenapol optical polarizing Kerr microscope
  2. special electro-magnets (out-of-plane or in-plane, static and pulse magnetic field),
  3. Carl Zeiss Xe and halogen lamps;
  4. high sensitivity 12-bit MicroMax CCD camera.

Study of statics and dynamics of domain structure (mainly in nanostructures) is possible by the structure imaging with both perpendicular and in-plane magnetization components. Specialized image processing techniques and LabView software for control and data analysis were developed.

Spinlab UwBSPINLAB supported system

  • High-end wide-field polarization microscope (Zeiss optics)
  • Rotatable electromagnet for H|| up to 10 kOe
  • Electromagnet for H up to 10 kOe
  • High-resolution and sensitive Digital CCD camera
  • Video microscopy (contrast enhancement by real-time difference imaging, movies of magnetization processes)
  • Simultaneous measurement of local M(H)-curves and recording of underlying domain processes


Contact person: Dr. hab. Maria Tekielak,
Keywords: magneto-optical Kerr effect, magnetic domain structure, static and dynamics magnetic domain wall

Układ generacji pola magnetycznego 3D do badań magnetooptycznychSpinlab UwB

3D magnetic field system for magnetooptic investigations.

Spinlab UwBSPINLAB supported system

  • 8 water cooled magnetic poles generate magnetic field in the whole 3D space,
  • maximal value of the magnetic field H~0.3-0.53 T, depending on the magnetic field H orientation in the space (described by θ ad φ angles),
  • good homogeneity of the magnetic field,
  • possibility of the sample movement in the x, y , and z directions,
  • hysteresis loops study PMOKE and LMOKE configurations,
  • possibility of the sample scan- “maps” of the hysteresis loops and magnetooptical and magnetic parameters,
  • laser beam spot size down to ~50 µm,

Distribution of the magnetic field in the 3D space

Red arrows indicate localizations of the magnetic poles in the 3D space

Spektrometr rozpraszania światła Brillouina z rozdzielczością czasową i przestrzennąSpinlab UwB

Spinlab UwBSPINLAB supported system

Micro BLS:
  • Spatial resolution 250 nm

Macro BLS:
  • Spatial resolution 40 μm
  • Wave vector range 0 – 2.4 105 cm-1

Micro and Macro BLS:
  • Detection of spin waves (thermal and excited by microstripe antenna) and phonons
  • Frequency resolution to 1MHz
  • Temporary resolution down to 1ns
  • Contrast: 1:1010 (multi-pass arrangement)
  • Measurements of two-dimensional maps of spin-waves intensity.
Macro BLS setup (time and space resolved option)

Micro BLS setup

Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, No. 1. (2011), 012505

Kriostat pracujący w obiegu zamkniętym do badań magnetooptycznych Spinlab UwB

Spinlab UwBSPINLAB supported system

Closed-cycle, cryo-free cryostat DE-204 PF Advanced Research System, Inc, USA, for magnetooptical-Kerr-microscopy-investigation of spatial distribution of magnetization.

  • Four quartz windows for visible optical range;
  • Ultra-low vibration level at sample (5 nm at 2.4 Hz);
  • Temperature range 10 - 350 K;
  • Computer-controlled system for 3D-positioning of the cryostat in respect to an optical axis (the range of shift in each direction – 15 mm).

Closed-cycle, cryo-free cryostat CFSM7T-1.5 OXFORD INSTRUMENTS PLC for magnetooptical investigation of ultra-fast magnetization processes in low temperatures and high magnetic field.
  • Four quartz windows for visible optical range;
  • Superconducting magnetic coils 7T@1.5K
  • Temperature range 1.5 - 350 K.

Spektrometr rezonansu ferromagnetycznego

FMR lines for Co/YIG:Co heterostructure measured at θH = 65° and ϕH = 0° of the external magnetic field H. (from Andrzej Stupakiewicz, Materials Science: "Magnetic Materials",edited by Khan Maaz, ISBN 978-953-51-2428-3, 2016)

A high - sensitivity ferromagnetic resonance spectrometer at a microwave frequency of 9.5 GHz and room temperatures with computerized data collection systems. The FMR spectra are investigated as a function of the orientation of the applied dc field. Study of magnetic anisotropy in thin and super thin magnetic samples.

Contact person: Dr hab. Ryszard Gieniusz,
Keywords: Ferromagnetic resonance, magnetic anisotropy, magnetic films.

Spektrometr rezonansu ferromagnetycznego oparty o VNA (VNA-FMR)

  • The methods for the characterization of thin layers of magnetic nanostructures;
  • ROHDE&SCHWARZ ZVA-40 Vector Network Analyzer
    Frequency range 45MHz–40 GHz;
  • Magnetic field up to 1 T;

Transmission spectra of spin waves in YIG sample with groves (A) and with gold stripes (B) measured with microstripe lines in external magnetic field 0.1T.

Contact person: Dr hab. Ryszard Gieniusz,
Keywords: Ferromagnetic resonance, magnetic anisotropy, magnetic films.