Konwersatorium wydziałowe (online)
Dnia 2021-03-30 o godzinie 14:15 odbędzie się wykład (seminarium odbędzie się „online” z wykorzystaniem platformy ZOOM), na którym mgr Anuj Kumar Dhiman (doktorant III roku studiów) z Katedry Fizyki Magnetyków Wydziału Fizyki, wygłosi wykład pt:
„Magnetization processes and magnetic domain structures in Ta/CoEeB/MgO stacks”
Serdecznie zapraszamy
Andrzej Maziewski
Jerzy Przeszowski
Magnetization processes and magnetic domain structures in Ta/CoEeB/MgO stacks
A. K. Dhiman
We have investigated the systematic thickness variation of CoFeB films (thickness varying in the range 1.241.60 nm with a step of 0.04 nm) covered by Ta (underlayer) and MgO (overlayer). First order and second order magnetic anisotropy constants were obtained from polar magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometry. Analyzing these constants values we conclude that a thickness induced spin reorientation transition from out-of-plane state to in-plane state occurs through an easy-cone magnetization state. Exploiting the magneto-optical imaging technique for out-of-plane magnetized states the magnetization reversal process was examined and the evolutions of magnetic domains in external magnetic field were observed. Magnetization reversal dynamics in indirect process indicates a significant change of magnetization rate in comparison with direct process. At the same time magnetic domains observation reveal a formation of narrow stripe domains (NSDs) and dendrite like structures depending on CoFeB thickness[1]. These NSDs structure could be applicable for controlled spin wave propagation.
[1] A.K.Dhiman, T. Dohi, W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, I. Sveklo, S. Fukami, H. Ohno, A. Maziewski, MAGNETIZATION PROCESSES AND MAGNETIC DOMAIN STRUCTURES IN Ta/CoFeB/MgO STACKS, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 529, 2021, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167699.