Resonant optical effects in 1D magnetoplasmonic crystals (PhD thesis)

Seminarium Zakładu Fizyki Magnetyków

Dnia 2018-02-16 o godzinie 12:15 w sali 1030 ZFM Wydziału Fizyki UwB odbędzie się seminarium, na którym Mgr Alexander Chekhov z Uniwersytetu w Moskwie wygłosi referat pt:


Resonant optical effects in 1D magnetoplasmonic crystals (PhD thesis)


The talk will present investigations of linear and non-linear response of 1D magnetoplasmonic crystals consisting of a gold grating on top of an iron garnet layer. The enhancement mechanisms for linear and non-linear magneto-optical effects under the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons are discussed. The studies of the Inverse Faraday effect induced magnetization dynamics in a magnetoplasmonic crystal demonstrate a magnetization excitation efficiency enhancement by two orders of magnitude due to the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons.



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Andrzej Maziewski